mercoledì 28 febbraio 2007

Ghost World

ieri sera ho visto un film, da solo. si tratta di Ghost World, con Scarlett Johansson, Thora Birch (magari te la ricordi, se hai visto american beauty), e Steve Buscemi, quello di the big lebowsky.
mi è piaciuto, ma non se ne parla di scriverne il rissunto. quindi copioeincollo ciò che ho trovato su

Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlett Johansson) are best friends having difficulties in social attitude with other people. After graduating high school, they decide to get a job and rent a house of their own. However, Enid needs to attend Arts summer school to graduate and her unsociable behavior makes her lose her job. Meanwhile, Enid and Rebecca play a mean joke on Seymour (Steve Buscemi), a middle-aged collector of vinyl record that feels also difficulties of relationships. Seymour and Enid eventually become friends. Along the days, Enid reaches maturity and a different view of life.

già che ci sei leggi pure alcune citazioni, se ti va

Enid: I think only stupid people have good relationships.
Seymour: That's the spirit.

Maxine: It's really quite something to see you all grown-up like this, Enid. I'd love to know what you're doing now. I can't help but feel I had some small part in how you turned out. What're you studying? You were always such a smart little girl.
Enid: I'm taking a remedial high school art class for fuck-ups and retards.

Enid: Are you into girls with big tits?
Seymour: As long as she's not a complete imbecile and she's even remotely attractive.

Seymour: I can't relate to 99% of humanity.

[Doug comes into the Sidewinder without a shirt on]
Doug: What's up, Josh? Give me two packs of cigarettes today. Working overtime: Sixteen hours.
[Puts malt liquir bottle on the counter]
Doug: And nature's nectar, wake-up juice. And give me six of these beef jerky's. I'm hungry enough to chew the crotch out of a rag doll.
[Sidewinder Boss spots him]
Sidewinder Boss: Hey. Hey. How many times do I have to tell you? No shirt, no service. Get the hell out of my store. What do you think this is, Club Med?
Doug: It's called America, dude. Learn the rules.
Sidewinder Boss: "Learn the rules?" No, YOU learn the rules. We Greeks invented democracy.
Doug: You also invented homos.
Sidewinder Boss: Fuck you.
Doug: You wish. You gotta buy me dinner first.

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