mercoledì 31 ottobre 2007

Le perle di Jeremy Clarkson

Last week a bunch of European ministers met to discuss the issue and heard that in Turin is now an advanced service for parking spots, to prevent motorist from driving into the city on the off chance of finding a space.
Yes, but when I need some cigarettes, I want them now, and not after Mrs Miggins has finished buying her cat food.

In the Netherlands, the city of Groningen is divided into 4 quadrants. Traffic can whiz around the ring road and enter one sector, but if you then want to go to another sector, you must get back on the ring road again.
Why? I lay awake all last night trying to figure that one out and I can't think of a single advantage.

Da "Born to be riled"

1 Commenti:

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

mitico, l'ho visto il video, allucinante

1/11/07 4:58 PM  

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