giovedì 18 ottobre 2007

Airport Chart #81

#81 Q.O.T.S.A. - Little Sister

It was on a saturday night, we were waiting for the fun to start.
Then this video turned up on the telly, and one of my friend said sadly:

who is this gayboy..?

Then he discovered it was one of his favourite band, and eventually got quite disappointed because they had changed a bit.
On the contrary, I honestly reckon this is one of the best song of that season. Probably their best song... surely the one that made me start listening to this band of ugly gayboys


2 Commenti:

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Brutti finocchioni,come faccio a pogare su un pezzo del genere?

18/10/07 6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

dai, poghiamo via web: faccio un mega saltone e finiamo testa contro testa: io cado sul tavolo dell'ufficio, tu ti accasci un attimo sotto il tavolo della cucina della caaaasa. ora tocca a te

19/10/07 12:32 PM  

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